Sunday 25 September 2011

Thursday 15 September 2011

Florence & The Machine: Mise-en-sen analysis

I will be analyzing the music video 'Rabbit Heart' using the elements of Mise- en- sen which are:
-Location, settings & props
-Costume, hair & make-up
-Facial expressions & body language
-Lighting & colour

Location, setting & props
  The location of the video is in a field or nature park, with a lake, it is has a lot of foliage around including tall trees and small shrubs and bushes; this has been filmed in a live place and not behind studio walls, this is to create the best possible atmosphere of nature and where better to do it than the real outdoors? She has captured the real beauty of the outdoors and by setting the scene with a very vintage sense to it all aspects in mise- en- sen, using the out doors had made the song more pure and romantic.
   The overall setting is a 'posh pic-nik', it is as if it is her last supper before her 'sacrifice' (her being the sacrifice) giving it a symbolic meaning, bringing in more purity and innocence along side the location of a very natural environment. The pic-nik is set around a table instead of on the floor, this shows some sort of high importance and respect to this certain meal.
  The props used are extremely interesting as at the pik-nik table there is fine foods selected and lay out and fancy delicacies such as the pigs heads and her being fed grapes straight from the vine- this again supporting her respect n highness in the public eye.

Costume, hair & make-up
  The costumes used in the video is mainly vintage but modern. It's very flowing and this helps show her elegance throughout the video. The vintage is a very clean but interesting look, it works with 'less is more' and this shows how pure her character is.
  Her hair is left very natural with her fiery red colour standing out from the 'extras' this is so we concentrate on her more. It's has been left natural but the head piece made of flowers and pearls adds interest and shows some importance as the 'extras' have got a more simple design. This could be a symbol of a crown and showing once again more importance in this 'sacrifice'.
  Make-up is very natural through-out the video and this is with all characters- this again to portray 'less is more' and to compliment the natural costumes and colours that are within the music video.

Facial expressions & body language
  Concentrating on Florence's body language and facial expressions we see that she seem proud to be the sacrifice yet she seems upset that it has to be the sacrifice. At 00:39 (in the official video) she seems slightly annoyed with it and at 00:43-00:53 her face is very sad and she is looking down she holds her head in confusion as if she is stuck between right and wrong. Through out the song I think she is trying to figure out what is right for herself and her people. At the end she has had to accept that she is the sacrifice an she is then standing stronger to be the sacrifice, she then lays down elegantly, we see this at 2:17-2:27.
  Concentrating on the 'extras' facial expressions and body language we see that they are all very happy and dancing because Florence is the sacrifice and they believe that sacrificing her will solve the all problems they have. We see them smiling, dancing and celebrating this at 00:39-00:44 behind her. At the pick'nic table they seem to be having a good time but this is like a reenactment of the last supper for Florence as this is before they sacrifice her by sending her away in the open top coffin box (that was once the table).When Florence is in the box and being carried to the lake there are 'extras' dancing and celebrating. This is to show there respect and how they appreciate her and it is also to show how happy they are that there problems will finally go.

Lighting & colour
  The lighting throughout the film is very natural and pure- exaggerating the purity of this event. The colours used through this music video are very natural and neutral colours- her dress is green this could symbolize nature- to show how this event is natural, but it can also mean jealousy or envy- this could show how she is really feeling inside as she may not want to go forward with the sacrifice. Nearer the end of the video her dress has bigger arms so it flows more and it is white- this showing purity and it is a very clean colour- this could symbolize how she is 'the one' and she is pure enough to be the sacrifice, it could also show how innocent she is towards the act.