Thursday 3 November 2011

Analysis of last years Music Video

 This video is a narrative music video as it is narrating the lyrics and the meaning behind the song itself.

Mise En Scene

  • Location, settings & props
Out doors, subways, road side
  • Costume, hair & make-up
They are wearing similar clothes which are tracksuits, hoods up, jeans.
  • Facial expressions & body language
acting 'bad', hand gestures like Eminem himself, angry faces. they put one finger up when it says 'one shot'
  • Lighting & colour
During the day, but also dusk. It gets darker in some shots showing a more 'urban feel' to the video.
Dark and light. The colours of the surroundings are used.
  • Positioning of characters/ objects in the frame.
Close ups- when they are rapping and making more expression on there faces.

Long shots- to get the surroundings in or when they are just walking/ sitting still.

Mid shots- when they are showing and moving there hands.

Type (Performance, Narrative, concept, mixed)

This a performance and narrative video as some parts will match the lyrics in the song which is part of a video, but the performance part is when they are saying and 'rapping' they move around a lot just like a rapper would, and there facial expressions show they are acting and being emotion for the story/ song they are rapping/singing.

How well it follows conventions of hip-hop music video 

This follows the conventions well as the video clips are not that long and are changing often. There is also different shots of there surroundings and this is done frequently to try and give a more urban feel to it as this is where hip-hop and rap originated from- the streets and underground world of music.

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